Electronic Assistive Devices and Medicine

Electronic Assistive Devices 

Some electronic assistive devices may be used during flight if a manufacturer’s label or other documentation confirms that it meets FAA safety and hazardous goods requirements. If possible, when you book, please give us information to help confirm the device meets FAA requirements; however, we need to know at least 48 hours in advance that your device meets FAA requirements. Our staff at the check-in desk can help verify that your device can be used in-flight.  

Occasionally the manufacturer of your device will have to be contacted to confirm that testing for the device has been done and that it meets current FAA requirements.

Wireless medical devices that use cellular transmission, such as a wireless glucose monitor, cannot be used on board the aircraft; however, wireless medical devices that are Bluetooth- or Wi-Fi-enabled are allowed.

Personal air filtration units cannot be used on board the aircraft.

Unapproved devices are allowed to be carried, not used, on the aircraft, provided they fit securely in the carry-on baggage compartment in your seating area.  


We recommend that your medications are carried with you on board the flight. In fact, it is strongly advised to never put your medications in your checked bag.

Keep in mind that you may be asked to check your carry-on bag at the gate due to space constraints in the cabin. If this happens please ensure you remove your medications before giving your bag to our cabin crew or gate agent. Our aircraft do not have refrigerators on board, so please plan accordingly.

Also, if you use needles to inject medication, ensure you carry your doctor's prescription with you just in case security officers have questions. If you need to use a medical syringe during your flight, please ask a member of our cabin crew to help you safely dispose of them, to avoid harming anyone.